Meet Our Attorneys Experienced Staff Dedicated to Your Best Result

Our Attorneys

Learn What Sets Us Apart

At Sico Hoelscher Harris LLP, our national litigation lawyers excel in and out of the courtroom. Because we care about our client's needs, we work diligently to recover positive results.

We Fight to Win Cases

We don’t shy away from the courtroom when necessary. Our network of resources is backed by our educated, dedicated attorneys who work hard to educate themselves on the facts, details, and challenges of each case. We pride ourselves on our hard-charging ability to conduct comprehensive discovery in an expedient manner.

Do you have a case? Do not hesitate to contact our attorneys at (877) 653-3334. We are available 24/7 and offer free initial consultations.

Former Client Testimonials

  • “After a lapse of nearly four years, I discovered that my former business partners had intentionally mislead me and convinced me to sell out of a business for a few hundred thousand dollars, which they sold for over $16 million four months later. After a pr”

    John Jalufka

  • “I don't know how you do the job you do, but I'm so thankful for people like you.”

    Laura Rund

  • “SIco Hoelscher Harris should be commended for recognizing the opportunity for a winning case even though (another attorney) turned it down and you had a short time frame to work within. Furthermore, I appreciated your professional manner and you”

    Wm. E. (Bill) Martin

  • “After my accident, my life was turned upside down. I had to place a tremendous amount of trust in SHHB during a vulnerable time in my life - and I am so glad I did. You delivered justice against great odds. You also brought about much-needed closure for me”

    Rose Munoz

  • “First of all, we don't know how to thank SHHB. You guys did a terrific job for us. Sometimes we think that our boys sent you guys to us for help. We appreciate everything you did for us and you guys will be a part of our lives forever.”

    The Chuyito Family